Tricky first post as misison statement type thing.
It's trite but it's true. Life with small children and a job flies by at a hundred miles an hour. Although there's precious little time for introspection after the babies are fed and clothed and clean and sleeping, and after food for tomorrow has been portioned and labeled, and after timesheets are done and the laptop is snapped shut...although it's hard to find the time, I'd hate to look back and wonder what I did with my life.
Today is a Tuesday. As good a day as any to collect my thoughts about balancing all the different pieces of my life - motherhood, wifehood, ex-pat-hood, corporate shilling and generally being a fish out of water that's trying to be excellent to others.
Self improvement is such an American thing, but I'm a sucker for it. My life is a work in progress, and every day I see and hear about things that I wish i could do, or become, or absorb into my life. I wish I could cook more...excercise regularly...have the perfect confident...have patience.
This is my experiment in accountability, as well as my time capsule for when life slows down and I finally have time to look around and wonder what I did with my life.